"DESCRIPTION 1"="To create a new Outlook item like an email, you normally have to start Outlook, move to the folder where you wish to create the new item and click on the "New" button in the toolbar (or the menu command)."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="This plug-in allows you to create batch files that will directly trigger the creation of a new item. For example, if you click on the first button a batch file will be created on your desktop that, when started, will create a new Outlook task item and opens it directly."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="This is a big time saver when you often create new items and like directly links better than the Outlook menu or toolbar. "
"DESCRIPTION 4"="You can also move these created batch file to any location you wish, for example you can simply drop them on your Quick Launch bar for better access. "
"DESCRIPTION 5"="If you do no longer wish to use these batch files, simply delete them on your desktop."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"